Landowner Relations Officers of the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW) are reminding landowners that they are ready to provide assistance to anyone who is dealing with issues on their property, especially as the weather warms up and recreational use of private land increases. Corporals Kris MacCabe and Rick LaFlamme, Landowner Relation Officers for MDIFW's Outdoor Partners program, would like to meet with landowners to address concerns, conflicts, or assist with issues on a property. No request is too small - or big!

Outdoor Partners works to preserve Maine's tradition of public access on private land by promoting responsible land use to the public, educating landowners about their rights, liabilities, and options, and forming partnerships with landowners and use groups to promote the concept of courteous, respectful, and responsible land use.

The program prives landowners with assistance on a variety of issues they may face managing their land, including recommending signage on properties that are experiencing misuse by visitors. However, the program is authorized to organize and equip law enforcement in problem areas. If the need arises. The Landowner Relations program also conducts program and events like "Keep Maine Clean" and "Landowner Appreciation Day," which organizes volunteers to remove dumped items found on properties as a way to say thank you to landowners who keep their land open to the public.

More information about Outdoor Partners is available at : and clicking on the "Outdoor Partners Program: link on the left column.

Landowners can schedule a meeting wih either Kris MacCabe: (207) 557-0839
or Rick LaFlamme: (207) 557-5244.

These meetings can create a basis of understanding about the rights and protections of which landowners are entitled in Maine.

Mount Vernon Concerned Citizens Committee

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